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Relativistic Fermion and Boson Fields: Bose-Einstein Condensate as a Time Crystal

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In a basis of the space-time coordinate frame four quaternions discovered by Hamilton can be used. For subsequent reproduction of the coordinate frame these four quaternions are expanded to four… Click to show full abstract

In a basis of the space-time coordinate frame four quaternions discovered by Hamilton can be used. For subsequent reproduction of the coordinate frame these four quaternions are expanded to four 4 × 4 matrices with real-valued matrix coefficients −0 and 1. This group set is isomorphic to the SU(2) group. Such a matrix basis introduces extra six degrees of freedom of matter motion in space-time. There are three rotations about three space axes and three boosts along these axes. Next one declares the differential generating operators acting on the energy-momentum density tensor written in the above quaternion basis. The subsequent actions of this operator together with its transposed one on the above tensor lead to the emergence of the gravitomagnetic equations that are like the Maxwell equations. Wave equations extracted from the gravitomagnetic ones describe the propagation of energy density waves and their vortices through space. The Dirac equations and their reduction to two equations with real-valued functions, the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equations and the continuity equations, are considered. The Klein-Gordon equations arising on the mass shell hints to the alternation of the paired fermion fields and boson ones. As an example, a Feynman diagram of an electron–positron time crystal is illustrated.

Keywords: time; relativistic fermion; space; time crystal; fermion boson

Journal Title: Symmetry
Year Published: 2023

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