Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) are Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. The Ministry ofHealth of the Republic of Indonesia has launched a concept to encourage people to care about their health,namely… Click to show full abstract
Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) are Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. The Ministry ofHealth of the Republic of Indonesia has launched a concept to encourage people to care about their health,namely the Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS). Islamic boarding schools also have health problems sothey need attention in efforts to improve public health. The health effort undertaken at the Pesantren isPoskestren (Pesantren Health Care). Based on the Health Department Data of East Java Provincial (2019),there are 3,965 islamic boarding schools with 1,284 Poskestren in East Java province. Poskestren can be asolution in solving health problems in Pesantren. Therefore the Poskestren must be arranged properly. Inhealth promotion there are health promotion strategies which consist of advocacy, community development,community empowerment and partnerships. This health promotion strategy can be a reference in theimplementation of the Poskestren in Pesantren.
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