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Population inversion in sodium D 2 transition based on sodium-ethane excimer pairs

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Sodium-ethane excimer pairs are studied and proved to be a great choice of excimer pumped sodium laser (XPNaL) gain media. The lifetime of the sodium D2 line is studied in… Click to show full abstract

Sodium-ethane excimer pairs are studied and proved to be a great choice of excimer pumped sodium laser (XPNaL) gain media. The lifetime of the sodium D2 line is studied in a sodium-ethane excimer system excited by a 553 nm laser, and the observed phenomenon of lifetime lengthening is discussed. Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) of the sodium D2 line is successfully obtained, and its time-resolved and spectroscopic characteristics are studied experimentally. According to the intensity of the ASE signal under different sodium vapor atom densities, the sodium D2 line gain feature of sodium-ethane excimer pairs excited by the 553 nm laser is concluded.

Keywords: excimer; sodium; ethane excimer; excimer pairs; sodium ethane

Journal Title: Chinese Optics Letters
Year Published: 2017

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