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Normality Versus Paracompactness in Locally Compact Spaces

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Abstract This note provides a correct proof of the result claimed by the second author that locally compact normal spaces are collectionwise Hausdorff in certain models obtained by forcing with… Click to show full abstract

Abstract This note provides a correct proof of the result claimed by the second author that locally compact normal spaces are collectionwise Hausdorff in certain models obtained by forcing with a coherent Souslin tree. A novel feature of the proof is the use of saturation of the non-stationary ideal on ${{\omega }_{1}}$ , as well as of a strong form of Chang's Conjecture. Together with other improvements, this enables the consistent characterization of locally compact hereditarily paracompact spaces as those locally compact, hereditarily normal spaces that do not include a copy of ${{\omega }_{1}}$ .

Keywords: normality versus; versus paracompactness; compact spaces; locally compact; paracompactness locally

Journal Title: Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Year Published: 2018

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