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Further Laboratory Experiments on Aerosol Scavenging in Mixed Clouds to Assess the Role of Phoretic Forces and Particle Solubility

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Scavenging experiments have been performed in a cloud chamber inside a cold room with different aerosol particles: Paraffin particles, NaCl particles, Magnesium oxide particles, Carbon particles, Sahara dust particles. Essentially… Click to show full abstract

Scavenging experiments have been performed in a cloud chamber inside a cold room with different aerosol particles: Paraffin particles, NaCl particles, Magnesium oxide particles, Carbon particles, Sahara dust particles. Essentially the experimental tests were carried on following the sequence of operations: the generation of the aerosol particles, their injection in the lower part of the cloud chamber, injection of water droplets in the whole chamber volume, nucleation of ice crystals, collection of ice crystals and their examination as for resulting scavenging efficiency. Evidence is given of the peculiar behaviour of soluble particles, individual and eventually inside mixed particles, leading to very much important scavenging efficiency, probably to be ascribed to aerodynamic capture. The evident peculiar behaviour of deliquescent particles can be oriented towards applications to an efficient abatement of specific effluents, on one side, and to weather modification experiments, both rain enhancement and hail prevention experiments.

Keywords: clouds assess; aerosol scavenging; scavenging mixed; experiments aerosol; mixed clouds; laboratory experiments

Journal Title: Applied Categorical Structures
Year Published: 2018

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