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Antidepressant-Like Behavioral and Spatial Memory Effects in Peruvian Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii)-Treated Rats

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The Maca root, native to the Peruvian Andean region is botanically a member of the Brassicaceae family, growing in high altitude region, characterized by extreme weather conditions as rocky formations,… Click to show full abstract

The Maca root, native to the Peruvian Andean region is botanically a member of the Brassicaceae family, growing in high altitude region, characterized by extreme weather conditions as rocky formations, intense sunlight and strong winds.2-6 There are diverse varieties according to the color of the hypocotyl, and many Maca root-based food supplements of different colors are available on the world market due to the possible effect on the treatment of a wide range of diseases and medical disorders.7 They include sexual dysfunction regulation,8 neuroprotective effects,9,10 memory enhancement, antidepressant,8,11 antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory effects,12-14 and skin protection.15

Keywords: spatial memory; memory; maca; like behavioral; antidepressant like; behavioral spatial

Journal Title: Pharmacognosy Journal
Year Published: 2021

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