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[Dandy-Walker malformation associated with extracranial abnormalities in a newborn].

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Hydrocephalus is a clinical condition that consists of an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain; Dandy- Walker syndrome is a rare cause of it. We present the case of… Click to show full abstract

Hydrocephalus is a clinical condition that consists of an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain; Dandy- Walker syndrome is a rare cause of it. We present the case of a newborn with prenatal diagnose of hydrocephalus due to a Dandy-Walker malformation, as well as ambiguous genitalia. After birth, diagnosis of Dandy-Walker malformation associated with uncommon extracranial manifestations is confirmed. Specifically, the baby presents interscrotal hypospadias and coronary sinus dilatation due to the persistence of the left superior vena cava. With the exposition of this case, we bring MalformaciĆ³n de Dandy-Walker asociada a malformaciones extracraneales en un neonato Dandy-Walker malformation associated with extracranial abnormalities in a newborn out the complexity of the Dandy-Walker syndrome due to the malformations associated with it; the ones that will determine the prognosis and the need of a multidisciplinary treatment.

Keywords: malformation associated; walker malformation; dandy walker; associated extracranial; walker

Journal Title: Archivos argentinos de pediatria
Year Published: 2021

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