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Using Galaxy to analyze TCGA data: the experience of a Brazilian center

Photo by nci from unsplash

Barretos Cancer Hospital (BCH) is a reference cancer center in Sao Paulo state, Brazil, that treats patients from all over the country at no cost. It's maintained in part by… Click to show full abstract

Barretos Cancer Hospital (BCH) is a reference cancer center in Sao Paulo state, Brazil, that treats patients from all over the country at no cost. It's maintained in part by governmental resources but mainly by donations. In the last years, BCH has participated as tissue source in The Cancer Gene Atlas (TCGA) and it is actually the only Brazilian institution on International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC). Despite the advances obtained to acquire the experimental quality control demanded by such consortia, the bioinformatics analysis in the local institution is still a challenge. In this context, Galaxy meets the needs since it allows the reproducibility necessary on research, the possibility to deal with big data and independence to researchers and students of biological background.

Keywords: tcga data; galaxy analyze; using galaxy; center; cancer; analyze tcga

Journal Title: F1000Research
Year Published: 2018

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