Articles with "755 picosecond" as a keyword

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Comparison of the efficacy and safety of a 730 nm picosecond titanium sapphire laser and a 755 nm picosecond alexandrite laser for the treatment of freckles in Asian patients: A two-center randomized, split-face, controlled trial.

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Published in 2023 at "Lasers in surgery and medicine"

DOI: 10.1002/lsm.23679

Abstract: OBJECTIVE The 730 nm picosecond titanium sapphire laser is a novel laser that shows promising results in treating freckles. This study aimed to further investigate the efficacy and safety of the 730 nm picosecond titanium sapphire laser… read more here.

Keywords: picosecond laser; laser; 755 picosecond; picosecond ... See more keywords