Articles with "ctf18 rfc" as a keyword

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Dual Roles of Ctf18-RFC: Loading the Clamp and Angling for the Polymerase.

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Published in 2018 at "Structure"

DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2017.12.009

Abstract: Clamp loaders such as Ctf18-RFC assist DNA replication by loading the PCNA clamp onto DNA. In this issue of Structure, Grabarczyk et al. (2018) reveal that a hook-like structure formed by the unique Dcc1 and Ctf8… read more here.

Keywords: rfc loading; roles ctf18; clamp; ctf18 rfc ... See more keywords
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Ctf18-RFC and DNA Pol ϵ form a stable leading strand polymerase/clamp loader complex required for normal and perturbed DNA replication

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Published in 2020 at "Nucleic Acids Research"

DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa541

Abstract: Abstract The eukaryotic replisome must faithfully replicate DNA and cope with replication fork blocks and stalling, while simultaneously promoting sister chromatid cohesion. Ctf18-RFC is an alternative PCNA loader that links all these processes together by… read more here.

Keywords: replication; ctf18 rfc; leading strand; dna ... See more keywords