Articles with "transparent oxide" as a keyword

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High electrical conducting deep-ultraviolet-transparent oxide semiconductor La-doped SrSnO3 exceeding ∼3000 S cm−1

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Published in 2020 at "Applied Physics Letters"

DOI: 10.1063/1.5128410

Abstract: La-doped SrSnO3 (LSSO) is known as one of the deep-ultraviolet (DUV)-transparent conducting oxides with an energy bandgap of ∼4.6 eV. Since LSSO can be grown heteroepitaxially on more wide bandgap substrates such as MgO (Eg ∼ 7.8 eV), LSSO… read more here.

Keywords: lsso; oxide semiconductor; doped srsno3; deep ultraviolet ... See more keywords